Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What Do Animals In Your Dream Mean?

I received an email recently asking about animal dreams.  The person said he keeps dreaming about riding a horse through a forest.  I told him that since horse symbolize self-confidence and forests symbolize new growth, the dream probably meant that his self-confidence would soon help him blaze a new trail of success.  If you find yourself dreaming of animals, here what it may mean:

Horses: Self Confidence and Strength.  If the horse is riding free, you're feeling great.  But if the horse and bridled and scared, ask who's stealing your thunder in your present life.  Who's taking away your confidence and making you feel trapped?

Cats: Independence and self-reliance.  If that cat is happy and purring, it means you're happy and secure with who you are.  If the cat is meowing or lost, ask yourself where you may be neglecting yourself.

Dogs: Loyalty and Friendship.  Dogs symbolize our relationships.  If the dog in your dream is fighting or biting, who's attacking you in your present life?  If a dog is following you in the dream, who's hounding you now?

Tigers: Ambitions.  If you dream of a tiger, you might be secretly hunting for a new career.

Birds: Freedom.  If the bird in your life is flying, you're feeling great and in control of your life.  If it's caged, reflect on where you feel restrained in your current life.

Rats: Betrayal.  If you dream of rats, you might be feeling as though someone has betrayed you.

Spiders: Conspiracy.  Is someone at work conspiring against you?  Do you feel trapped in someone's web?  You might if you dream of spiders.

Ants/Bees: Fatigue.  Often when we dream of these worker bugs, it means we're feeling exhausted at work.  Time to plan a vacation!

As with any dream interpretation, you have to look at what the animal or insect means to you.  If, for example, you have a huge fear of spiders, then dreaming about them would represent a time to face a huge fear in your life.

It's important to write your dreams down.  Keep a dream journal and you'll soon find yourself remembering more and more of your dreams.  Happy Dreaming!


  1. Love this post! I often have dreams in which animals will come to get me, so to speak. I feel like they're trying to get my attention - give me a message. The three that appear over and over are deer, bears, and lions. I've come to associate these with different aspects of the spiritual self: deer representing gentleness, grace, humility, surrender; bears representing intuition and listening to the still small voice; and lions, spiritual will, or the willingness to walk the walk. When one of these animals comes for me in my dreams, I feel like they're telling me, "Have patience and faith!" or "Listen!" or "Stand up!"

  2. I dream about dogs almost every single night. I love dogs! I feel so connected to them. Maybe I was a dog in another life - Just Kidding. Actually I'm a dog groomer and I dream almost every night that for some reason or another I can't get to the dogs to groom them. I'm usually full of anxiety and worried the owner will arrive and the dog won't be ready to go home. I've done this for about as many years as I've been grooming - 12 years now. Any clues why? I'd surely appreciate any insight into this. BTW I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your podcasts. YAY for Itunes
