Thursday, November 18, 2010

Crystal Clear

One of my favorite parts of doing readings is at the end when the client gets to reach into my bowl of crystals, close their eyes and "choose" the one that's right for them.  Usually, my readings tend to evolve into a theme, a central message, and the crystals they choose always reflect this theme.  Just this week, I had a man come in to see me.  He's going through a divorce, and I felt that he'd need to take on a primary parenting role in the upcoming months and will need to be both a father and a mother on many occasions.  The crystal he chose was purple agate -- mother love.

A woman recently met someone and hoped the relationship would last; I felt it would.  The crystal she picked was rose quartz -- love coming to you.

A man came to see me who I felt would finally get the successes he'd been working so hard for.  This was someone who earned through blood, sweat and tears everything he had.  The message was that he'd finally get the pay off, but it would come through even more hard work.  He chose the only stone I've ever had in that bowl that's self-healed.  This is a really interesting phenomena where a stone is cracked and then somehow it heals itself.  You can still see the crack, but instead of a jagged edge, it's smooth.  The self-healed stone represents someone who makes his own way, forges his own path and is solely responsible for his own success and happiness.  How fitting that he should pick the self healed stone!

Often, a stone is in that bowl that I don't remember putting in there.  Recently, a woman came to see me who was going through a terrible period of loneliness.  I felt that it would turn around soon, but I could see she doubted me.  Life had just been too hard for her, and she'd given up on many of her hopes and dreams.  She chose a sunstone -- symbolizing positivity, sunny times and happiness coming your way.  And I have no memory of getting that stone!

To me, crystals are gifts to us -- they provide a mirror for us to see things more clearly and they offer us a chance to heal naturally and completely.

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