Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Making the Connection with Our Loved Ones on the Other Side

I did a reading the other day for a lovely young woman whose father had passed years ago when she was very young.  What fascinated me was his repetitive insistence that he'd never stopped watching over her.  He really, really wanted her to know that even though he'd been gone for years, and even though she'd only known him for five years, he was her father.  He loves her and is still watching over and protecting her.  It was a beautiful message, and then he added a request.  He wanted her and the family to talk about him more.  I hear this often; it's not an egotistical request.  What they mean when they request that is this:

The more we remember our loved ones -- not through grief and sadness (that's an important point) -- but through joyous memories and funny stories, the easier it is for them to connect with us.  This woman's father presented me with a great metaphor.  He said pretend that there's a wilderness of forest between heaven and earth.  Every time we look at a photo of our departed loved one, tell a great story about them, wear a piece of their jewelry or remember them on their birthday, they come to us through that wilderness and each time they make the pathway to us clearer and stronger.  This means that the link, the connection, between them and us is made stronger each time thereby making it easier to link in with our energy and show us signs that they're around us and are more able to help us with situations in our life.

For me, this made a lot of sense.  For example, my grandparents are all deceased, but I never really knew them as they all passed when I was young.  Being a medium, I have made contact with them but sparingly and very rarely.  However, I was very, very close to my mother-in-law.  And even though she's been gone almost four years, I feel her presence around us quite often.  I know this is because I'm constantly telling my kids stories about nana.  We celebrate her birthday and I often call my sister-in-law on the anniversary of her passing.  I always think of her on holidays.  I ask her for help a lot.  We have photos of her around and, because she's buried right by our church, we "visit" her on Sundays.  In fact, it's my little five year old who insists every week after mass that we say hello to Nana.  We walk over to where her ashes are buried and the girls will lay down flowers or show her a picture they drew.  A few weeks ago, my five year old said, "I know she's not really there.  I know she's in heaven.  But going there is like picking up the phone to call her."  I like that analogy.

So, please, take the advice of that lovely father.  Honor your loved ones in heaven often and you'll make that link that much stronger and easier for them to connect with you.

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