Monday, February 21, 2011


I love the way the universe works and how we can move seamlessly within it if we just open ourselves to the synchronicities around us.  Today, a client came to me feeling burdened by her caretaking responsibilities for her parents.  I told her she needed to hire someone just a few hours a week to handle her parents' errands and driving requests.  She said she would try.  After leaving my office, she stopped by her friend's home to pick up her mom and noticed a car in the driveway with an uplifting bumper sticker: "There's an Angel By Your Side." My client smiled and walked in the house to get pick up her mother.  Inside she met a woman who was a caretaker looking for extra hours.  As she watched her mother and the caretaker chat happily, she just smiled and thought, "I think there really is an angel by my side."

The caretaker has been hired, my client feels relieved, and it all happened because she allowed the thought of a solution to enter her mind.  Sometimes we feel so trapped by our problems because we forget that we have choices.  We do.  Don't limit the universe.  Ask and you shall receive.

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